12 September 2012

On my way home

Dear friends,

I left tanzania this morning for a meeting in nairobi and then going home. avi stayed for the end of the conference which was very successful, we met many people and we are happy to say that there was a respectable amount of israelis as well.
I'm in Nairobi airport after having a wonderful meeting with the director of the nyharuru water company. This director was nominated number one operator of water companies in Kenya and after a good meting with him we hope to be able to work with him on his future plans.
So what can I say, I don't have a lot of time but this was a most mind opening and business opening tour and I definitely see myself returning very soon to implement some of the discussions that we had.
Enough talk now we do, after I rest a bit

Talk to you and see you soon back home

All the best

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