24 April 2013

WSA - Our strategic Partner

This is the last leg of our very fruitful and exciting journey.
We are in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. 4 years ago, I never heard of Burkina Faso and never dreamed to visit here, Ouagadougou sounded to me like a name from the fairytales and something that I would never be able to pronounce.

But I am here and enjoying every minute.
Burkina is the home of around 15M people, mostly arid land. The Capital Ouagadougou although very hot (we arrived at 37 degrees C), is a very organized and a structured city. On our one day off on this whole journey, we decided to walk around town – 37 degrees, I remind you and we saw the very impressive "Grand Marche" the Grand Mosque and the beautiful music museum (although only from the outside) since it was under construction. Ouagadougou although, hot and dry, has a vibrant city life, construction, stores and more, very different to Yaoundé and other capitals we have ben to.




Yesterday we had our first working day with WSA - Water and Sanitation for Africa, www.wsafrica.org provide continental leadership in the development of innovative and sustainable approaches, evidence-based policy advice, and advocacy services in the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services in Africa. WSA now presents a strong hope in the search for sustainable water and sanitation services for the hundreds of millions of Africans without access to basic sanitation and drinking water services. Established by Africans, owned by Africans and located in Africa, WSA possesses a clear understanding of the challenges with water, sanitation and hygiene on the continent.

WSA is our strategic partner on sustainability issues and solutions and we are working together in writing a sustainability manual to be distributed among government agencies, NGOs or private companies, every contributing entity, should have free access to this information.

The team with whom we worked for the last two days on diffrent projects and ideas
the amount of ideas and cross enrichment was a fantastic process, this is the part I love most about my job
Avi, Patrick, Emmanual, Oliver, Ornit, Andrews
Tomorrow we travel Toussana, a 5-8 hour drive from Ouagadugou, not sure yet, but this is supposed to be one of the more beautiful areas of Burkina and this will be the home of our Livestock business for youngsters project.

More details to come


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